Social Media decided last elections. Will AI decide the next ones?
You may remember the headlines. Brexit happened because of Facebook. Twitter got Trump elected. Then there was the Cambridge Analytica scandal that allegedly massively influenced the American elections in 2010. Closer to home, the president of a major political party warned me 'we' would win or lose the elections on social. We, as in the advertising agency that was about to run their campaign on social. While most of these statements are at least exaggerated, the influence of social media on elections worldwide is undeniable. Now it seems AI will play a significant role in the coming elections as well.

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Art Directors?
At the moment of this writing, a lot of creatives in advertising are attending the most prestigious award show in the industry: the Cannes Lions. Much like the Cannes movie festival just before it, the winners of the gold Lions get called on stage. And I can’t help but wonder: will an AI algorithm collect its Golden Lion next year? Because I think it could.

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Copywriters?
Rather than pondering over the question whether AI can really create meaningful content, I put it to the test. Except for this paragraph, the entire article - including the headline - was written by Writesonic AI Article Writer 3.0 (Beta). The only input I’ve provided it with, was the following question: “Can you tell the difference between copy from a copywriter and text from an algorithm?” In just 4 clicks (you get to chose between titles, introductions and paragraphs), it generated this page.