Our Services
Branding & marketing
Whether you are a brand, a company or a person: you need to reach your audience with the right message at the right time. We can help you find your audience and turn them into fans. Because face it: you deserve more of them.
In a hands-on workshop we look for your brand essence and purpose. We come back with a brand manifesto and an online positioning strategy.
How can we achieve your business results with online channels? After an intensive workshop, we lay out a strategy tailored to your needs and ambitions. And we set hard KPI’s to determine success.
A SWOT analysis of your current online presence: this is a great starting point if you want to know which channel will have the most impact on your business.
So you have a Facebook and a Linkedin page. And you even got some followers on Instagram. But now you’re starting to realize that you don’t have time to manage it all. Why not leave it to a specialist?
Posting daily on your socials is fine. But did you know they’re also immensely powerful advertising channels? And that they even allow you to sell directly from your Facebook page? Call us if you kind of like that.
Online Reputation Management
Warren Buffet said it best: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.” Do you know what people actually say about you? We can actually show you what they say - and help you change the conversation.
The first step in managing your reputation is knowing it. We set up a monitoring system that tracks your mentions and sentiment on all markets, platforms and media relevant to you.
Knowing your reputation is one thing, managing it is where push comes to shove. We provide you with an actionable flow that helps you steer the conversation.
Website Development
From UX design to a fully operational website: Brandtag can assist you every step of the way.
In a half day workshop, we define your online needs together. We then come back to you with a sitemap, key wireframes and a functional analysis so you have the perfect blueprint for a website that will actually help your business.
If you want a website that is SEO-friendly, mobile-optimized, easy to maintain and you needed it yesterday, it’s hard to beat Squarespace. Ask us for a free demo!
A fully functioning E-commerce platform that is easier to manage than most websites? We make a requirement analysis and setup a Shopify website for you. So you can start selling online in no-time.
Digital Transformation
(for agencies only)
Over the years, I’ve often been asked to assist Advertising, Communication or Marketing Agencies to become more digital savvy. I’ve developed a framework that looks at 4 pillars (Processes, Business, People & Culture) in your agency to make a strategic recommendation that will make your agency more future proof without hurting your existing business.
Depending on the outcome of that exercise, I can help implement that strategy afterwards.