Case Study - Vermant Automotive
4 brands, 1 manifesto
One consistent brand strategy to rule them all: that was the challenge for the Vermant Automotive Group. The group hosts different car brands across 11 dealerships. Their brand portfolio includes Volvo, Kia, Volvo Select, Vermant Carrosserie, and Collection by Vermant — exclusive collector cars. Vermant asked Brandtag to create a strategy that connected all their brand across all their online channels.
Volvo XC90
Porsche 356 from the Collection
Collection by Vermant
The main challenge was to create a social media strategy that adressed the diverse audiences of each brand. At the same time, it needed to unify every brand under the Vermant Automotive Group. A one-size-fits-all approach wouldn’t do. Each brand targeted a unique customer segment.
Brandtag met this challenge by writing a brand manifesto that united all brands under the Vermant umbrella. This manifesto became the cornerstone of their communication strategy. It provided a single voice that resonated across all brand channels.
Vermant Manifesto (Dutch)
“Bij Vermant geloven we in u. In uw agenda is er geen plaats voor pech. Het overkomt u zelden of nooit. Sommigen denken dat dat geluk is, u weet dat het afhangt van uw keuzes. Want u werkt alleen met partners die zijn zoals u: betrouwbaar.
U kiest voor een partner die u kent. Die met u kan meegroeien. Die een aanbod op maat kan maken - uw maat. En die keiharde garanties biedt wanneer het toch ’s niet loopt zoals verhoopt.
Bij Vermant laten we u echt kiezen. Uit Volvo of KIA. Nieuw of recent. Uit de business condities van onze fleet of de pleasure van onze Collection.
En mocht het toch ’s misgaan - we leven niet in een perfecte wereld - dan is er Carrosserie Vermant. Uw geluk bij een ongeluk.
Sommigen kiezen een garagist.
U kiest voor zorgeloos autorijden.”
Autorijden zonder zorgen
Channels: less is more
First, we simplified the social media account structure. We reduced 6 Meta accounts under the Vermant umbrella to 3. This made it easier for clients and prospects to find us. It also made it easier for the Vermant marketing team to maintain the accounts.
Brandtag advised Vermant Automotive Group to focus on LinkedIn for their B2B clients. We chose this platform for its pro users and strong B2B marketing tools. Volvo and Kia implemented this strategy, with posts tailored to their B2B customers.
Meanwhile, Collection by Vermant targets a niche audience. It seeks exclusivity and visual appeal in its collector cars. Instagram, with its highly visual and interactive platform, is an ideal fit for this brand. The social media strategy for Collection by Vermant is to share high-quality images and videos of their exclusive cars. It is vital to keep the brand's communication in line with the overarching manifesto.
Brandtag's brand strategy gave a unified voice to the Vermant Automotive Group. It connected with diverse clients and boosted the brand's image across all platforms. The graphical design became more consistent and visually appealing.
Vermant now engages with its clients and prospects on Linkedin. The team regularly posts on LinkedIn about topics that matter to business readers. It is also used to invite its prospects for the Vermant Business Talks, boosting its success.
On Instagram, Collection by Vermant grew into a strong community under founder Guy Vermant's personal account. This boosted interest in their exclusive collector cars. Quality content builds a community of car fans and possible customers.